This organization shall be known as the World Martial-Arts League.
The abbreviation of the name shall be W.M.A.L..
The W.M.A.L. is intended to be a non-profit organization;
the purposes for which it was formed and the powers possessed by it include:
1. To stimulate interest in all martial arts.
2. To unite people for their mutual education and benefit.
3. To encourage cooperation and better understanding among members.
4. To supervise and conduct clinics, and demonstrations under the auspices of this League.
5. To research and study martial arts with a view to establishing the highest standards of instruction and conduct.
6. To research and study martial arts in order to better understand its history, philosophy, principles and concepts.
7. To maintain and preserve martial arts records as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.
8. To publish information about martial arts, including W.M.A.L. activities.
The following limitations are placed on the power of the W.M.A.L. and upon the liabilities or obligations arising from its activities.
1. The organization shall not discriminate against any person or group because of race, sex, creed, religion, national origin or martial arts affiliation.
2. The organization shall not enter into agreements, contracts or arrangements which bind any school or individual members personally.
3. This federation shall be self-governing, non-profit, non-partisan and non-sectarian.
4. No member or group of members shall be deemed to be acting in any matter for or on behalf of the W.M.A.L., or as the W.M.A.L.,
unless specifically authorized to do so by the Constitution or By-Laws or the W.M.A.L. president.
Section 1. Eligibility for Membership.
Membership shall be open to all persons who are interested in and/or involved in any martial art
and who pledge to adhere to the Constitution, By-Laws and ethics of this League.
Section 2. Classification of Membership.
There are two classes of membership:
1. Honorary membership
2. Lifetime membership
All memberships shall be open to all individuals adhering to the Constitution, By-Laws and ethics of this organization.
Section 3. Application for Membership. (All applications must be approved by the president !)
1. A person applying for individual membership shall submit to the corresponding headquarter all pertinent information:
a. His/her name, address, phone number and current rank in the martial arts.
b. A description of its current martial art program.
c. Description of martial art background including past and current instructors, their names, addresses, and ranks.
Section 4. Lifetime Membership.
A lifetime member is any individual registered by the headquarters. The life member enjoys all the right, duties, responsibilities
and privileges of an individual member; is listed by individual name on the roster and receives an individual copy of all mailings.
Everybody who signed the membership application agrees, that if for any reason his/her life membership status is canceled
by this organization, has no right and will not make any claims of a refund any fees payed during his/her period of life membership.
Section 5. Honorary Membership
Honorary membership shall be awarded by this League to individuals in recognition of their
distinguished service to the League, or for their support of the martial arts within this League.
BOARD OF GOVERNORS Section 1. Composition.
The international chairman shall be composed of voting representatives and alternate representatives of each country or state for a term of two years.
Section 2. Responsibility.
Except as otherwise specified in the Articles of Incorporation or the By-Laws, the international chairman
shall be vested with all powers of the organization and shall have authority to act on all organizational matters.
Section 3. Jurisdiction.
The international chairman shall have the power to assume original and appellate jurisdiction, upon notice to those involved, in any matter where, the best interests of the organization will be served thereby.
Section 4. Discipline.
The international chairman shall have the power to discipline members and to impose, enforce, or remit
penalties for any violation of the Articles of Incorporation of these by-laws, or rules and regulations of this organization.
One of the missions of the W.M.A.L. is to enhance the martial arts community and it's students through the positive role and personal development skills of the training. If your goal is to be independent and you like-minded instructors to network with, the W.M.A.L. is for you.
Regardless of style, system or technique that you practise, the W.M.A.L. realizes that to be a complete martial artist you must constantly evolve.
It is our desire to help, support and encourage Independent Instructors, Masters, Grandmasters and Sokes, from other formal associations or federations.
A.) The W.M.A.L. is an independent organization dedicated to the support of Instructors,
Masters, Grandmasters, Sokes, and Founders of systems and styles with additional focus on:
- Certification of memberhip
- To recognize achievements
- To recognize rank
- President since 1995: Soke Klaus Schuhmacher
- The International Council for Higher Martial Science Education
With regard to rank, promotion, Instructorship, certification and System Recognition,
the W.M.A.L. will offer certificates of promotion and rank recognition to all members.
There are no Age/Rank Requirements for promotions.