Welcome to our worldwide non-profit organization
Greetings Supporters, Members, and Enthusiasts of our organizations. Welcome to our worldwide non-profit friendship organization, EUROPE'S & ASIA'S FIRST INDEPENDENT GRANDMASTERS & SOKESHIP COUNCIL. For several very good reasons, the I.C.H.M.S.E. simply grants different degrees under our own authority. We have set up our own accreditation system, our own quality control procedures, and will grant degrees based upon our own standards. A second very valid reason for creating our own accreditation system is that our degree holders will not rely on these degrees to obtain employment.
Our earned degrees will be awarded to experts who seek further Martial Arts education to improve their qualifications, and who have lived the Martial Arts and produced outstanding results in several ways. We understand fully that we will be questioned in the accreditation area, but we do not desire or intend to seek approval from academia. We consider the question to be closed.
A world wide group of martial arts organizations joined together to hereby establish the I.C.H.M.S.E. for the purpose of developing academic programs for the award of academic degrees. The I.C.H.M.S.E. is governed by a Board of Grandmasters and is an equal opportunity institution.
The I.C.H.M.S.E. has the right to change programs of study, academic requirements, and policies at any time, in accordance with procedures established by the Board of Grandmasters, without prior notice. Degrees conferred by the I.C.H.M.S.E. are honorary Degrees, but must be earned under the criteria established by our Board of Grandmasters. Most of the requirements will be accomplished by the works already created during the careers of the Martial Artists concerned.
These include schools and instructional testing / ranking systems established, championships won, international seminars conducted, champions trained, videos and books produced or written, and original contributions to the Martial Arts in the creation of competition rules, organizations, and new Martial Arts styles/ systems. We request that everybody who hold doctorates in any field or who are interested in assisting in the development of the I.C.H.M.S.E. program contact our Headquarters by surface or e-mail.
Mission Statement
Outline and establish minimum training levels for the granting of degrees. Offer degrees which correspond to those earned through education in other fields. As the first martial arts degree program to establish these criteria and offer a full range of professional degrees in our field, the I.C.H.M.S.E. will raise the bar and set the standard for the future issuance of professional degrees in the martial arts.
The I.C.H.M.S.E. is an independent non-profit educational institution. Our curriculum is designed for those seeking professional recognition, certification and licensing. The purpose of the I.C.H.M.S.E. is to help its students unlock their minds, to find the keys to success through the teaching of martial arts and to recognize the value of the human experience.
Licenses and Credentials
The I.C.H.M.S.E. degree program is not designed to meet any particular local, state or national / international licensing or laws, nor to meet any requirements established by any private independent organizations.
What is the I.C.H.M.S.E. ?
The I.C.H.M.S.E. was founded in July 1999 by Dr. Klaus Schuhmacher and is a worldwide union of Grandmasters from different styles / systems of Martial Arts, to control and certify high leveled individuals.
The I.C.H.M.S.E. Martial Arts educational programs are the first with special criteria, and offer a full range of degrees, to raise the bar and set the standard for the future issuance of Martial Arts ranks.
Most of the Grandmasters have devoted their entire lives to the Martial Arts, but were never recognized as legitimate professionals. Below are listed the standardized criteria for a full service martial arts degree program and for the documentation of rank and affiliations with the mission statement outline, minimum training levels for the granting of this professional martial arts degrees.
Purpose of the Professional Martial Arts Degree Programs
The I.C.H.M.S.E. Degree Program was designed for martial artists everywhere, who desire standard degree recognition for their years of hard training, which corresponds to those obtainable through every other field of study. For recognize and establish a standard by which professional martial artists may receive formal recognition for having devoted their lives to continuing education, personal growth, and maintaining the standard of excellence in the task of educating the next generation of students and potential instructors.
Accreditation ~ The martial arts community is truly unique among educational entities and professions, in that accreditation by the academic world is neither available nor necessary. No academic administrative authority have the knowledge or authority to regulate education in the martial arts.
Whereas it is agreed that: ~ Each martial arts Grandmasters and his or her rank has been certified and accredited by the I.C.H.M.S.E. WORLDWIDE MEMBERSHIP BOARD. Only the founder; the lineage holder or certified individuals of a martial arts system or style is able to accredit, certify, or license students to teach and issue rank in that system or style. The I.C.H.M.S.E. accepts every legitimate rank which has already been accredited and is therefore worthy of appropriate professional recognition.
The Program ~ We offer a full range of degrees including Minister, Senator, Diplomat, and Doctorates. The martial arts degree programs will be a distance learning program granting degrees based on the ranks attained and granted by licensed instructors and major martial arts organizations, having board member representation in the specific martial art system and style needed for the issuance of said rank.
Each degree will be earned and must be documented by your instructor and/or his or her association. Each degree will have mandatory minimum requirements for rank and/or hours of training, as well as standards for the documentation required for the granting of degrees.
Disclaimer ~ Degrees earned in the martial arts are designed to help advance the professional martial artist in his/her field and should not be construed as degrees intended for advancement in employment in the private sector nor applicable toward earning degree credits from academic institutions. The I.C.H.M.S.E. recognizes no specific geographical boundaries nor restrictions.
Registration Form
The I.C.H.M.S.E. does not discriminate among applicants in admission, educational policies, scholarship on the basis of colour, race, age, gender or ethnic origin.
Study of comparative martial arts. The study of the history of martial arts from the earliest of times to the styles; and a comparison of the two. The object of the study is to find the basic truth upon which every martial art is founded. Study for those who are preparing to be leaders of a congregation. It deals with the organization and administration of the congregation, and such diverse duties as preparation of a lecture or sermon to managing public relations. Presents an overview of the function and place of education in the local martial arts organization, summarizing the historical and philosophical foundations, as well as the basic objectives of eastern medicine.
The Program
We offer a full range of degrees to everybody who can fulfil the requested requirements. Each degree will be earned.
On the day that you enrol in a degree program, you may legitimately add an important line to you resume, such as Ph.D.M.A., Minister of Martial Arts All of our Ph.D. graduates are eligible to apply for the position of a Minister of Martial Arts. The information for this position will be mailed to you with your DOCTORAL DIPLOMA. Doctoral Degree Features / Benefits / Full credit for life learning experience / Full credit for prior works. These are a few of the benefits of your Ph.D. degree: Increased self-esteem and respect from others. / Heightened credibility in any practice of Martial Arts / Enhanced prestige and respect.
Graduation Requirements
The I.C.H.M.S.E. offers a Doctoral degree for a combination of course work and credit for prior learning. Mature adults, through life experiences and informal study, have often accumulated a great deal of knowledge. Unfortunately this type of learning is not always recognized because it is not obtained in a formal classroom setting.
Examples of life experiences which we accept as legitimate learning activities are on-the-job learning, non-credit post secondary programs, significant volunteerism in martial arts, executive leadership, and other experiences that may equate to academic study programs, as well as general knowledge gained through life experiences. We request that all of our Doctoral candidates send along a brief one page resume along with their application so that we can review their past accomplishments. Ph.D. Degree Requirements
Objectives ~ An individual pursuing a Doctoral degree is expected to exhibit a comprehensive knowledge of a broad cross section of the Martial Arts and to contribute significant new knowledge to the discipline through the research contribution contained in the doctoral dissertation. Only students who have shown promising creative work of superior quality are encouraged to apply for the Ph.D. Degree. An expected date for completing the requirements must be submitted for approval by the I.C.H.MA.E. The actual date of the preliminary examination may be changed.
Purpose ~ The purpose of the Ph.D. qualifying requirements are to serve as objective assessments of a candidate's knowledge of central concepts of Martial Arts and the ability to integrate, extrapolate from, and apply this knowledge. Structure and Administration of the Exam. The exam consists of a single written work.
The Qualifier Committee ~ The Qualifier Committee is made up of minimum six I.C.H.M.S.E. members and is to act as a whole for all aspects of exam creation, administration, and grading. No individual will have complete responsibility or authority for a specific question or a specific area. The committee will work together to construct the exam; all questions will be reviewed and graded by the entire committee.
Reading List ~ The body of material that students are expected to know for the Ph.D. is defined by a reading list covering any style or system of Martial Arts. Results and Appeals ~ The qualifier committee is responsible for evaluating and grading student examinations. There are two possible outcomes from taking the qualifier examination:
The student may pass the exam at the Ph.D. level. This means that the student has satisfied all requirements to pass the Ph.D. qualifier or the student may fail the exam, thereby satisfying not the Ph.D. qualifier exam requirements.
The qualifier Committee ~ The qualifier committee is formed consisting of at least five members. This committee administers and evaluates the examination. The chairman of this committee is Dr. Klaus Schuhmacher.
The following procedures should be observed in conducting the preliminary examination: Contents ~ The preliminary examination consists of a written research proposal.
Research proposal ~ The candidate prepares a precise, succinct written proposal which contains at least the following sections:
the statement of the research and an explanation of the significance of the research area
a review of relevant literature and a description of any preliminary facts
an overview and a bibliography.
Scheduling ~ The written proposal is to send to Dr. Klaus Schuhmacher. The committee members have at least six weeks to review the proposal prior to the examination. Requirements for the P.h.D. title
The applicant must be a active lifetime member of one of the issuing organization.
The applicant must be at least 20 years in the martial arts.
The applicant must hold minimum the black belt rank of a 7. Dan.
The applicant must be a certified Master Instructor by the issuing organization.
The applicant must forward a written work of minimum 15 pages about the martial art she/he practise.
The applicant must present three letters of approval written by Grandmasters 7. Dan or higher.
The applicant must be at least 30 years old.
Doctorate Degrees Offered
The definition of the word "Doctor" in Latin means "Teacher" ! So the use of the title "Doctor" in the Martial Arts,
is actually self-defining of the relationship, between student, and teacher.
All our degrees are not to be confused with traditional University (PhD) degrees !!!
They are for Martial Arts only, not for academic uses, and may not used for any other purpose !!!!!!
All diplomas will be issued at our headquarters in Bangladesh !!!
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Science in Martial Arts Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Combat Arts
Doctor of Philosophy in Military Fighting Arts
Doctor of Philosophy in Martial Arts Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Asian Martial Arts
Physiological Manipulation Methods
Higher Martial Science Instruction
Self Defense Psychology
Japanese Martial Science Education
Chinese Martial Arts History
Divisions Offered
Korean Martial Arts
Chinese Martial Arts
Siamese Martial Arts
Okinawan Martial Arts
Japanese Martial Arts
American Martial Arts
Philippine Martial Arts
Indian Martial Arts
Modern Martial Arts
Tang-Soo-Do,Hap-Ki-Do, Tae-Kwon-Do
Kung-Fu / Wu-Shu / Kou-Shou
The international martial arts community is truly unique among educational entities and professions, in that accreditation by the academic world is neither available nor necessary. The academic world has no knowledge nor reference which would make them capable of judging or accrediting the martial arts profession or education therein. The I.C.H.M.S.E. is not accredited. It is a non-profit organization. Whereas it is agreed by resolution that:
Only the I.C.H.M.S.E. is able to assess and accredit any new martial art, system or style developed
Only the founder of a martial arts system or style is able to accredit, certify, and license instructors to teach and issue rank in that system or style.
Each martial arts instructor and his or her rank has been certified and accredited by the licensed instructor, by whom it was issued, Therefore, it is resolved by this board that every legitimate rank, has already been accredited and is therefore worthy of appropriate professional recognition. Disclaimer
Degrees earned in the martial arts are designed to help advance the professional martial artist in his/her field and should not be construed as degrees intended for advancement in employment in the private sector nor applicable toward earning degree credits from academic institutions. The I.C.H.M.S.E. recognizes no specific geographical boundaries nor restrictions.
The definition of a "Soke" is simply the head (founder or inheritor) of a martial arts style / system which is based on a Japanese martial art, so is "Do-Ju" for Korean and Si-Jo for Chinese based martial arts. In English one common title also is "Head of Family". Traditionally every system head, is ranked one belt rank above the requirements for his or her system. If a system only had requirements through 5th Degree the founder would be ranked as a sixth Degree Soke. To be named as a Soke is the greatest honor one can receive in the martial arts. The standards are extremely high, as are the requirements to maintain your rank and affiliation. We police our ranks constantly and every applicant is thoroughly investigated.
Many people are confused and even insulted by the terms Soke, Grandmaster, Hanshi, Doctor, Professor, and Shihan. These are simply the terms of address and respect used for and among system heads. Some of the great founding fathers of the martial arts were referred to by similar titles, for example: Dr. Jigoro Kano and Prof. Morihei Uyeshiba. For more information about this topic, please read
Actually over 20 organizations recognize professional degrees issued by the I.C.H.M.S.E., the W.M.A.L. and its affiliated organizations.
Because membership is by direct sponsorship or by invitation only. Anyone not being, studying under, or personally knowing a system founder would have no knowledge of their existence. For further information, please contact our international headquarter.
Copyright 1999 - 2015 I.C.H.M.S.E. & Klaus Schuhmacher
One more time one of the names I created
(here:"International Council of Higher Martial Arts Education" ~ I.C.H.M.S.E.) is used one more time by other persons.
So again:
The one and only original I.C.H.M.S.E. is and never will be
related in any form with Mohammad I. Tianero and Gerardo B. Alcuizar Sr. and their organizations !